A brand new season of 90 Day Fiancé UK is all set to premiere on Max on July 16, 2023, at 7 am ET, and viewers can watch the latest episode of the show, 90 Day Fiancé UK, on Discovery+. Seven contestants from England, who are in a relationship with people from abroad, will be featured in the show. The series will illustrate the different challenges the couples face on a daily basis and test whether their love for each other is worth the effort.
Throughout their journey, they will face barriers such as different cultures and languages. However, by the end of the show, the big question that will be answered in 90 Day Fiancé UK is—will the couples survive and decide to be together for the rest of their lives or will they part ways? Fans will have to tune in on July 16 to find out how things begin.
90 Day Fiancé UK season 2 has already released its trailer
According to In Touch Weekly, 90 Day Fiancé UK season 2 has been described as follows:
"Throughout the season, the couples navigate their romances over the span of three months to test how strong each relationship is."The journey will illustrate how they met, lived together, and developed a strong bond. Also expected to appear this season is a couple that was featured in the first installment of 90 Day Fiancé UK. Meanwhile, the trailer of the upcoming season has already been released, which promises:
"Suspicious friends and cynical families to sweet reunions and epic trips across the globe."Adding to the teaser, the show’s cast members include Shane and Mert, Michael and Mercy, Louise and Jose, Robert and Assel, Tionne and David, Rebekah and Cristian, and Kadie and Alejandro.
Further, the trailer also teases some upcoming drama, disputes, heartbreak, and even some romantic connections. The trailer begins with one cast member sharing how she is travelling to meet a man she has never met in person and is going to marry him.
As shown in another clip, the seven couples try their best to support each other while being separated by long distance. Some share love through video calls, while others demonstrate their insecurities and trust issues.
90 Day Fiancé UK season 1 couples who are still together
In the previous season, eight cast members worked on their relationships, including Kadie and Alejandro, Bridie and Host, Calum and Marvin, Emma and Hossein, Pat and Sam, Richard and Kathleen, Shaun and Christine, and Victoria and Sean. Only a few couples featured in the first season of the show continue to be together, following the show's production.
Kadie and Alejandro are among the couples who have managed to retain their bond. They live in England at the moment but occasionally travel to Alejandro's home country, Mexico. Marvin and Calum are also still together. In fact, in one of the episodes of August 2022, Calum shared the following:
“I just thought he was beautiful. And I thought he was like way out of my league. That’s why I just thought swipe, see what happens, you never know … And he swiped back.”Hossein and Emma are another couple who are still together. After meeting on social media, the couple got married on the show and are still going strong. Additionally, Shaun and Christine are doing well since they met on social media before entering the show, and had already been together for quite a while before filming.
Even after the first season of the show ended, Victoria and Sean are still together. While these two couples faced some challenges in the first season of the show, they opted to stay together at the end. Their social media accounts indicate that they are still together.
The latest episode of 90 Day Fiancé UK season 2 will be broadcast on Max on July 16, 2023, at 7 am ET.
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