Dear Arkansas Daughter | Lady Lamb the Beekeeper Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

You Are the Apple You love me best in an airplane I slept a The lyrics are frequently found in the comments by searching or by filtering for lyric videos

Dear Arkansas Daughter
Lady Lamb the Beekeeper Lyrics

We have lyrics for 'Dear Arkansas Daughter' by these artists:

Lady Lamb take a swim in the water take a swim in the…

We have lyrics for these tracks by Lady Lamb the Beekeeper:

Aubergine Well I bled blue blood from my back last night I…
Between Two Trees Kick at a pillow till it makes you tired, tired Bummed…
Bird Balloons I'm a ghost and you all know it. I'm singing songs…
Hair to the Ferris Wheel Take me by the arm to the alter Take me by…
Mezzanine There's a ghost, ghost in the mezzanine and she's soaked, s…
Penny Licks Maybe when we are gone gone go ne You can have… Regarding Ascending the Stairs I cannot think of that song with this music on And…
Rooftop If I'm the cop than you're the robber We'll play cowboys…
Taxidermist Taxidermist Happiness is our dream jacket Happiness is our dream jacket…
The Nothing Part II Choose to use your heart If even towards the harshest fate …
The Nothing Part Two Choose to use your heart If even towards the harshest fate T…

You Are the Apple You love me best in an airplane I slept a…

The lyrics are frequently found in the comments by searching or by filtering for lyric videos

